Devlog 3 Finishing our prototyping phase.

Devlog 3


We have finally finished our Art Bible yayyy. This week we had to complete the 2nd half of our Art Bible and do some finishing touching on the overall design. We researched our general info for the colors, did proportion lineups, researched shaders & textures, RFX, lighting & atmosphere, composition and looked into a fun HUD/UI

Prototype Progress

This week we were able to get object health functional and have implemented base functionality of picking up and throwing objects. Due to the fact that destruction meshes disregard a lot of compatibility with the rest of unreal it was a challenge to get interaction working. We had to activate certain settings in the Geometry collection actor and change the BaseDestuctionObject into a component so we could use collision detection with the Geometry collection. You can also "pick up"  objects but it goes into a weird phantom state instead for a yet to be determined reason. 

Hopefully we will be able to give more exciting news next week when we should no longer be drowning in documentation.


Object_Destruction.gif 45 MB
96 days ago 594 MB
96 days ago

Get Rage In The Office

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