Devlog 7 Beginning of Second Sprint

Devlog 7


Rounds / Scoreboard

Production sprint 2 has started. Up until now, there was no round timer or score tracker. You played until the level was completely empty or until you called it quits and you had no Idea who was winning/had won. 

So one of this week’s focuses was to be able to play a round with a timer and score display. A rough version of the hud has been implemented, which for now only uses text because the sprites are still on their way. You may notice that for example the timer looks pixelated, that’s because we ran into some issues scaling up the font. To fix this and add the sprites, we will next week need to spend some more time than anticipated on the hud. Next to a round with a timer, you can now also reset the game at the end of the round. The end and menu screen are also still under construction, so just follow the temporary instructions, and you can replay the game without having to restart

Bounding Box

After Playing the game with our group we noticed that you can easily fly outside of the map, Throwing objects outside the map is still fun ,so we made a dynamic level bounding box that scales depending on the level size and only blocks the player from exiting.

Power-Up Spawners

Last week our powerups were is very limited supply so de decided to order in some vending machines to supply you some more. All you need to do is interact with the machine to get your own powerup... Don't tell the boss, but if you give it a good smack it still dispenses a powerup.


In the art department we've been focused on continuing filling up the office and working on the cleaning lady npc. Every day the level is starting to look closer and closer to finished! This week we added the vending machine for the strength power up, coffee machine for the speed power up and some more assets.

Files 597 MB
May 02, 2024

Get Rage In The Office

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