Devlog 8 Middle Of Second Sprint

Devlog 8


 One of this week’s focuses was player feedback, because it was often not entirely clear what was happening. A part of this is audio. All the actions that require a sound queue now have one so that it (hopefully) is a bit clearer which action got performed. Do keep in mind that we are not entirely set yet on every sound, so some might get swapped out in the future. Because of this, we have not yet entirely finetuned the volume levels to match each other perfectly, as this feels like a waste if we do change a sound. Another part of player feedback that got added is a small popup above a character’s head when they gain points. Hopefully, this now clearly shows some points progression to the player. Aside from player feedback, we also continued work on anything UI related. The issue from last week, with the pixelated upscaled text, has now been resolved. Meaning we can make any text as big as we want without losing any resolution. As for the menu, a small first draft has been made in a blueprint widget, which we are having issues with to implement in the C++ side of things. This will be a top priority for the coming week, which will be the last week of production. 

Object Destuction IS BACK! Unfortunately you'll have to wait until next week to see the fruits of our labor, since we still need to create the fractures of all the objects.


More work has been but into the animations so after implementation you'll actually be able to tell what state you're in and have a satisfying punch. Other than Animations The production of the Menu Screens has also started so you don't just drop straight into the game.  Other than Player information we're also working on the power up props. A Caffeine high for your speed as well as the accompanied machine. As well as some good old potassium for some extra strength . We wouldn't want your muscles to sore up would we? 

Look forward to next week when we can show you some more! It'll be the end of the final sprint and we'll only be working on polish after this!

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May 10, 2024

Get Rage In The Office

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