Devlog 5 Fully Beginning Production

Devlog 5

For those who were wondering, our work didn't continue the last 2 weeks due to easter break. We forgot to mention this at the end of the last devlog.


The programming side of things has now also finally started development. A lot of this week’s progress involved rewriting the old prototyping code into better and more durable code that should hopefully last until the end of the project without too much refactoring. So it might not seem like a lot has changed since the last prototype build, but behind the scenes everything should be smoother. 

An example of this is the collision detection of thrown objects. During prototyping, collision was detected with a 360 degrees raycast from the object, this worked, but only to a certain extent, because it could easily miss the raycast. So now in development, this code has been swapped out with the native Unreal “OnHit” function, which will more accurately report collisions.

This also involves converting past Blueprints into c++ code.  For example the original code for the scaling camera and  spawning of new players was made in blueprints and is now c++ code.  Since it would be better to spawn new players based on the amount of people who clicked the start button that code still needs to be implemented. Therefore the multiplayer isn't operational yet.


During this first production sprint us artists had 1 job: continue working on our tasks as much as possible! So that means that we're working further on the stuff from the last few weeks. Character design, assets, level layout, etc... Slowly but surely we're adding more and more assets to the game! However for some reason one of our artists can't open the project file so hopefully we can get that fixed asap for a smoother workflow.

Here are some examples of our work:

Thank you all for reading and hope to see you next week!

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Apr 18, 2024

Get Rage In The Office

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